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    Republicans, Behold the Monster of Your Own Creation

    by Joseph Levendusky The events of Wednesday January 6, 2021 shocked our nation profoundly.  Until recently, it had been widely thought that such things could not happen in the United States.  Countless souls immigrate here from troubled spots around the world expressly because the political violence they have become inured to does not happen in our land.   As welcome as they may be at the moment, pronouncements by Republicans about democracy, rule of law and the sanctity of the American political process contain massive globs of hypocrisy.  Republicans hear this:  Without question, the Frankenstein that invaded your citadel on Wednesday was a monster of your own creation. Donald Trump doubtlessly incited the storming of…

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    Where Do We Go From Here?

    by Joseph Levendusky To reasonably sober Americans, the post-election drama playing out on our various screens is an inscrutable and heretofore unimaginable absurdity that marks a low point in American political history.  As the relief and euphoria of the Biden/Harris victory gives way to the reality of governing in the face of irrational and intractable opposition, it appears that ridding our nation of Trumpism may be both a long-term project and a heavy lift. Never before have a sitting President and his besotted votaries so brazenly and persistently questioned the result of an election that they have demonstrably lost.  In the weeks that have passed since the election, many adults in positions…